7 New Ways to Pay off Your Debt Faster

Posted on Sunday 11 December 2016


Debt can feel overwhelming, but with the right planning and consistency, you will be able to get on top of it.

Gaining financial freedom is a very worthwhile goal, and the quickest way to do that is to get yourself in the green. Becoming debt-free can take time, but it is a more simple process than you may think.

Top Tips To Pay Off Your Debts Faster

Here are our top tips to pay off your debts faster and take that financial burden off your shoulders. Please note we are not financial analysts, so take all our tips on this article and on our website with a grain of salt. We are not giving any legal advice and simply just sharing tips that may or may not work for you.

Give Up The Credit Card

While a credit card has its advantages (such as building credit or keeping automatic payments secure), relying entirely on credit cards can be a slippery slope toward debt. In fact, it's a proven way to get in debt and stay in debt. One or two credit cards may be necessary, but not any more than that.

Your credit cards also greatly affect your credit score. This determines whether financial institutions will be willing to lend you money when you need it. While you can easily take out no credit loans, it is still important to keep a good credit score.

The temptation to live above your means creates a cycle of overspending, then catching up with repayments. You should only be spending on credit what you can then pay off in full each month.

Take Advantage of Bonuses

It’s tempting to splash out when you get that bonus from work. After all, you earned it. However, putting that chunk of cash straight towards paying off your debt is a great way to get ahead, at least, in the meantime.

Any progress you can make towards being debt-free will save you money in the long term, and this is a bonus on its own. So, always go for deals where you can get something back as well. It's always good to get credits, rewards, and things of that nature to rely on.

Stay on Top of Your Daily Spending

You probably have at least a roughly sketched personal budget, but it may shock you how even small daily spendings can start to add up. Knowing where all your money is going is an important step in taking back financial control. This way, you are not only limiting your expenses but also programming your mind into believing you run the show. Not the other way around. Lots of people get carried away when it comes to handling money so once you flip the switch on it, you will feel incredibly empowered.

Focus on The Biggest Debt

The bigger the debt, the larger the impact it will have on your credit score. This is where a financial advisor can come in. A financial advisor can help you consolidate your debts and suggest which ones to pay off first.

However, this can also depend on your personality. If you like taking small steps, get rid of the smaller debt first. This will give you more confidence to work your way up. If you are the type of person who likes to tackle the bigger problem first, get rid of the bigger debt first. Either way, find the method that works for you and start getting at it one at a time.

Aim to Pay Off More Than The Minimum

While it isn’t always possible, paying off more than the minimum balance is crucial to getting out of debt faster.

If you don't take strong and consistent actions, your interest and fees will add up over time. This means your total debt amount will keep increasing, or at least, not decrease particularly fast. So whenever you get a chance, always pay off the minimum. This way you will get rid of your debt in no time.

Steer Clear of Temptation

There is no other way to put it; saving can be boring. After many months of sensible spending and sticking to a budget, you are more than likely to make a blowout splurge purchase.

While of course, you should not deprive yourself of life’s joys, staying clear of tempting online shopping sites or retail districts will help push the thought of splurging from your mind. You should also refrain from storing any payment details online. The harder it is to make an impulse purchase, the better.

Be Patient

The key to getting out of debt this year is consistency. You have the plan, now you just need to stick to it. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and imagining your debt-free future should be a daily inspiration.


Clearing yourself of your financial debt is hard work. it requires planning and constraint, along with the tips above. Remember that every step of the way is tempting and you may even falter sometimes, but this is okay. Don't be too hard on yourself. If you keep coming back to the tips above, you will eventually get past debt, and pretty much everything else.